The spirit of wisdom is one of the seven Spirits of God as wisdom is one of the primary qualities or characteristics of God’s Holy Spirit.

He is wisdom personified, and “God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself” (1 Cor. 1:30a, NLT).

To exist above the turmoil in the days in which we live, increased wisdom is needed for every member of the body of Christ.

But I would especially emphasize to all of our graciously gifted prophetic people: more than divine revelation, we need an increase in wisdom, understanding and application so we can handle the Word of the Lord in a more excellent and effective way.

Without the bridge of wisdom in place, along with the motivation of love from a pure heart, our precious cargo of prophetic revelation might simply end up as a bunch of dumped out excessive verbiage.

Luke 2:52 (MEV) states, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and men.”

Bottom line—if we are going to follow in His footsteps, and if Jesus grew in wisdom as a part of maturation process, then none of us are exempt.
