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  • The Pilgrim's Progress has been called "the greatest allegory ever written." Its appeal sweeps across the scope of age, intellect, and education. Children read it for the excitement of the story, eager believers are challenged and trained by its invaluable teaching, and Bible students and scholars alike read it for the its depth of doctrine.
  • James Goll shares his insights about prayer and its power to see you through each and every day's troubles and triumphs. Enjoy God's presence every day - 15 minutes will bring a lifetime of eternal blessings!

  • The Lifestyle of a Prophet takes you through a 21-day journey into the heart of the prophetic calling.  This guide will help you develop the intimacy with God essential to hearing His voice clearly.  Daily reflection questions, devotional prayers and practical applications will help you proclaim His words faithfully - and to step boldly into your calling.
  • Based on extensive biblical study and years of personal insights, James and Michal Ann Goll teach you to understand the language of dreams. You will learn to: receive and understand your dreams, interpret and apply your dream revelations, recognize the difference between the Holy Spirit, natural, and demonic dreams and much more.
  • Within the pages of this book is an invitation to increase your hunger and passion for the Lord Jesus. You will experience the collision of religion with reality, theology with thirst, and legalism with extravagant love. Journey toward the joy and pleasure of knowing God's Presence.
  • When you order Revival Breakthrough from God Encounters Ministries, you will also be emailed 12 bonus video devotionals by James W. Goll, one to go along with each chapter of the book! Revival Breakthrough takes you on a powerful supernatural journey that will lead to an unprecedented outpouring of God’s Spirit. The times of deep darkness we are facing on earth today are a backdrop for a great saturation of God’s light and an imminent display of His glory. We are headed into seasons, not just days, of unprecedented shaking and unprecedented revival running side by side. This book will prepare you to partner with the Holy Spirit to create an opening for God’s presence, revival, and harvest in this world.
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  • When you buy the Tell Your Heart Sing Again book, you will also receive 12 bonus video devotionals by James W. Goll! There is hope for you! How do you cope, let alone rebuild your life after a series of trials, stressful difficulties, and traumatic experiences? How do you move forward into a meaningful life filled with purpose and destiny? Deeply personal and intensely practical, Tell Your Heart to Sing Again will give you useful tools. You can discover hope for your life!
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  • The Discerner Softcover Book
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    Satan's number one weapon is Deception. The Church's number one need is Discernment. The Discerner will take you on a journey of discovery into God's revelation for us today! James Goll demonstrates how we can receive revelation through each of our spiritual senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste—and removes uncertainty about how to discern revelation and test the spirits, so that we can fulfill our ultimate purpose: extending Jesus' powerful kingdom on earth.
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  • Buy the Praying with God's Heart Softcover Book & receive 12 Bonus Video Devotionals by James W. Goll!
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    What if there was a key that made every prayer more effective—something that would bring all prayers into agreement with the heart of God every single time? This type of praying does exist and it's called prophetic intercession. God wants you to align your heart with his. Learn to pray more effectively in these turbulent times and usher in the fullness of God's purposes on the earth.
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  • Are you ensnared by bitterness, seized by anger, or held captive by resentment…all because someone has offended you? Bevere shows you how to escape Satan's grip, avoid a victim mentality, practice forgiveness, experience reconciliation, and remain free in Christ.
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    When Heaven Invades Earth is a powerful statement and testimony on the Kingdom of God. Theologically sound, well supported, and extremely well argued, this message provides a carefully constructed biblical foundation for the average Christian to live and walk in the miraculous, supernatural power of God.
  • You Were Created to Encounter God! Christianity was never meant to be a dry religious system.  Your relationship with God is not just a list of rules or a “get-out-of-hell-free” pass. God is inviting you into supernatural encounters with His presence and power today! In God Encounters Today, James Goll shares his own experiences along with powerful, Biblical teaching on the different kinds of amazing spiritual encounters you should expect as a Christ-follower.  
  • The Lifestyle of a Watchman takes you through a 21-day journey into the heart of being an intercessor.  You will learn how to find your assignment, pray more effectively for others and the nations, understand how to intercede for current events and more.  Daily reflection questions, devotional prayers and practical applications will help you move to the front lines of prayer and become the watchman God created you to be.
  • With insight and anointing, each author presents a clear picture of reforms that need to be made and the kind of actions required by believers to be in step with God's plan. Poignant topics include racism, love, prayer, defending the sanctity of marriage, and other fundamental issues facing the Church today.

  • The Lost Art of Pure Worship is a gathering of great spiritual leaders who share their unique experiences and desires about the precious act of worshiping a worthy heavenly Father.

  • Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today isn't just about discovering our spiritual gifts, or even receiving them - it's about releasing them! God wants you to experience the great wonder of moving in and through His grace - on a daily basis.
  • James Goll's action-oriented approach walks you step by step through the process of freeing both yourself and others from strongholds of the enemy with the authority you have in Jesus Christ. Now is the time to claim that authority and discover the Lord's battle plan for you - an overcomer.
  • Cómo Liberar los Dones Espirituales Hoy está lleno de muchos ejemplos sobre cómo han sido utilizados los dones en acción, tanto dentro de las páginas de la Biblia como en el tiempo actual. Dios desea derramar sus dones sobre su pueblo en grados incluso mayores de impacto y autoridad. Esta es su oportunidad de descubrir lo que el Señor puede hacer por usted y por medio de usted a medida que usted libere los dones espirituales hoy en un derramamiento del amor de Él, de su gracia y poder.

    Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today is filled with many examples of how the gifts have been used in action, both within the pages of the Bible and in the present day. God desires to pour out His gifts on His people with even greater degrees of impact and authority. This is your opportunity to find out what the Lord can do for you and through you as you release His spiritual gifts today in an outpouring of His love, grace, and power.

  • Búsqueda Apasionada le muestra cómo abrir su corazón para encontrarse con el Señor viviente. Cuando se despliegue su descubrimiento de Dios, y su relación con Él sea más profunda, se sorprenderá y se deleitará al oír su voz, aprender de Él, y tocar su corazón.

    Passionate Pursuit shows you how to open your heart to encounter the living Lord. As your discovery of God unfolds, and your relationship with Him deepens, you will be surprised and delighted to hear His voice, to learn from Him–and to touch His heart.

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    The words of the intercessor are a powerful force for healing the wounds of the past and shaping the course of history. This book will help you release those words into the heavens and bring down God's will on earth through intercession. James Goll shows how you can focus your prayer on what God desires as opposed to what you feel you need.
  • Grounded from start to finish in Scripture, Bill Johnson and Randy Clark lay out the rich theological and historical foundation for healing in the church today.
  • Buy The Lost Art of Intercession book & receive 10 Bonus Video Devotionals by James W. Goll! When God's people send "up" the incense of prayer and worship, God will send "down" supernatural power, anointing, and acts of intervention. James W. Goll paints a picture of prophetic clarity and urgency in this anointed work that sounds God's clarion call to His Church: This is the season for us to mount the walls with prayer and praise—and restore the lost art of intercession.
  • In these vital, eye-opening pages, bestselling author Ed Silvoso digs into Scripture, unearthing Jesus' true design for His Church—His Ekklesia. By combining biblical scholarship with inspiring case studies, Dr. Silvoso shows how we, in the midst of the social and moral chaos in our world today, can once again become the revolutionary, transformational, life-giving Ekklesia Jesus called us to be.
  • In this guide to the essentials of powerful prayer, international prayer leader Elizabeth Alves equips everyone from beginners to seasoned intercessors to become prayer warriors. With her practical direction, you'll move beyond the idea of prayer as a ritual and learn how to truly communicate with God and experience His power and joy like never before.
  • A fifty-day devotional for Pentecost featuring the words, teachings, and writings of faithful men and women of God, both classic and contemporary authors, regarding the miraculous power available through God's gift of the Holy Spirit. Let this collection of charismatic classics help you to celebrate the wild tongues of fire that signified the coming of Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and be filled anew with the powerful presence of God .

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    There still is much confusion and misuse of the office and the responsibilities of the prophet and the intercessor in the Christian arena. John and Paula Sandford explain how prophets are called and trained. With a great passion and urgency, they challenge all intercessors to realize and understand their vital role in the world today and how closely they must work with the prophets.
  • Do angels really exist? What is their purpose? Do they interact with us? And what about demons and fallen angels? What should we do about them? Angel Stories answers these questions and more through a collection of encounters from Randy Clark, John Paul Jackson, James W. Goll, and others.
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