Sale!Living a Supernatural Life is a guide to understanding the Spirit's power in our time, and a handbook for participating in His work. This book is a challenge to all believers to become more like Jesus in character and action, totally dependent on the Holy Spirit. Find out how to live in the reality of the supernatural realm, attuned in mind and heart to God's kingdom coming in power through the Holy Spirit living in you.
Sale!Authors James Goll and Lou Engle seek to inspire an entire generation to exchange temporal pleasures for a radical and passionate leap into the spiritual joy of Jesus Christ. You will be propelled into joining the cries of other lovers of the Savior, "Is there not a cause in the land?" His answer is, "Yes!"
Discover an exciting adventure awaiting you in the prophetic realm. God desires to shares his heart with you and with others. In Adventures in the Prophetic, a team of well-known prophets share their insights and experiences.
Position Yourself to Experience Holy Spirit Outpouring! "Ask the LORD for rain in the time of the latter rain." (Zechariah 10:1) God is pouring out His Spirit and revival rain is falling across the earth. How should you respond? Join authors Bill Johnson, James Goll, Michael Brown and others in asking for more!
Deep inside each of us is a longing to escape the frantic pace of life. A Call to the Secret Place is your personal invitation to take that step toward the peace found in God's presence.
Prayer Changes Things shows you how to pray the Jesus way—responding to His Father with “yes” as a matter of habit. You, too, can learn to trust Him with that same response in your everyday life.
How can Christians determine the validity and origin of a spiritual experience? This book is an in-depth exploration of visions, dreams, angelic encounters, near-death experiences, miracles and many other phenomena, biblically exposing their demonic counterparts.
Out of stockThe world continues to be fascinated with angels…but what does the Bible say about these beings? Billy Graham's book is the definitive resource. With more than 3 million copies sold, Angels gives ringing assurance that we are assisted and defended by a powerful order of invisible beings.
Únase a James Goll en un viaje emocionante y revelador hacia esta dimensión menos conocida: el visionario mundo del vidente. Descubrirá el poder profético de los sueños, visiones y cielos abiertos. Join James Goll on an exciting and insightful journey into this lesser-known dimension - the visionary world of the seer. You will discover the prophetic power of dreams, visions, and life under the open heavens.
Movido por un "sueño de comisión" de Dios, el autor James Goll actualiza el modelo de oración de siglos pasados y despliega un plan para los creyentes de hoy, una comunidad de intercesores que usan los medios de comunicación tan avanzados de hoy, para orar por la transformación mundial.
Prompted by a "commissioning dream" from God, author James Goll updated the centuries-old prayer model of the Moravians and lays out a plan for today's believers to restore and release the Moravian model of the watch of the Lord into homes and prayer rooms around the world.
Su corazón ha sido creado para la presencia de Dios y no está completo sin ella. Los negadores tratarán de convencerlo de que la presencia de Dios es subjetiva y difícil de hallar, pero sus voces callan ante el deseo interior de una unión con su Señor y Creador. La sabiduría que contiene este libro le otorgará, minuto a minuto, confianza y esperanza mientras realiza su viaje hacia el gozo y el placer de la presencia de Dios. Your heart has been created for the Presence of God and it is not complete without His Presence living within. Naysayers try to convince you that God's Presence is elusive and subjective but their voice is silenced by the desire yearning from within for a union with your Lord and Creator, Jesus Christ. The wisdom contained in this book will give you moment-by-moment confidence and hope as you journey toward the joy and pleasure of knowing God's Presence.
Out of stockChuck D. Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Systema show how to receive the Word of the Lord, how to interpret dreams and visions and, acting on what you have discerned, ultimately fulfill the destiny God has for you.
In the muddle of day-to-day life, have you somehow forgotten that Christianity is a living, vibrant relationship with a personal God? In this Christian classic, late pastor and evangelist A. W. Tozer brings the mystics to bear on modern spirituality, grieving the hustle and bustle and calling for a slow, steady gaze upon God.
James Goll takes readers on an adventure into the heart of what it means to hear God, and how to do it. Over the course of this journey, both beginners and those who have been listening to God for years will explore biblical principles about prayer, starting from square one. God is speaking to you today. Grow in assurance that He wants you to hear.
The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12 are demonstrations of God’s matchless grace at work in the world, as well as evidence of His powerful presence in the midst of His church. They are manifestations of the sovereignty and provision of God that people can actually see, hear, and experience with their senses. Acclaimed Bible teacher Derek Prince shows how all Christians can receive and exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
In 1995, Heidi and Rolland Baker gave away everything they had and traveled to the war-torn, poverty-stricken country of Mozambique. Compelled by Love chronicles their journey, giving readers a glimpse of authentic Christian community by taking a fresh look at the Beatitudes and sharing the pain of some of the poorest people in the world. It will change lives as readers put into practice the teachings of Jesus as expounded and illustrated by the Bakers' incredible life and ministry.
Did you know that you typically have a lot more angelic company than you realize? Your prayers release God's power, and God often sends angels to bring His powerful response. James and Michal Ann Goll use Scripture, church history, testimonies, and personal experience to: describe the different categories of angel, explain angels' ministry as God's agents to the world, and demonstrate how intercession and angelic ministry are related.
In a generation of selfies, slander, and little white lies, what does a life of integrity look like? For the answer, internationally-known worship leader Sean Feucht asked his "mothers and fathers in the faith" to explain what integrity means in their lives. This book provides insight and vulnerability from these leaders on how to walk with integrity through your communication, your ministry, your marriage, your family relationships, your leadership, your personal finances, and your times of trial.
Women throughout history have changed the world by their sacrifices, passion, and fire. A Call to Courage tells the inspiring stories of nine such women who overcame intimidation through the empowering work of the Holy Spirit and were pioneers of truth, freedom, healing, and courage in their generation. Heed the call to courage and step up to the front lines of faith, hope, and love.
Called foundational, revolutionary, illuminating, and motivating, Intercessory Prayer continues to be a classic work after more than 20 years. This rich, biblical teaching is full of fresh insights showing how vital our prayers are and how God has always planned to work in partnership with us through prayer.
Out of stockThere still is much confusion and misuse of the office and the responsibilities of the prophet and the intercessor in the Christian arena. John and Paula Sandford explain how prophets are called and trained. With a great passion and urgency, they challenge all intercessors to realize and understand their vital role in the world today and how closely they must work with the prophets.
A fifty-day devotional for Pentecost featuring the words, teachings, and writings of faithful men and women of God, both classic and contemporary authors, regarding the miraculous power available through God's gift of the Holy Spirit. Let this collection of charismatic classics help you to celebrate the wild tongues of fire that signified the coming of Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and be filled anew with the powerful presence of God .